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Showing posts from March, 2021

The general safety measures taken during civil engineering construction.

The following safety measures are taken during civil engineering construction. (i) Suitable scaffolds should be provided for workmen. (ii) When ladder are used, it should be provided with foot holds and hand holds and inclination of one is to four (1 horizontal : 4 vertical) be provided. (iii) The scaffolding should be properly supported and shall have a guard rail property attached to it. (iv) Every opening in floor of a building should be provided with suitable means to prevent the fall of persons or materials. (v) Fencing and lights shall be provided to protect the public from accident. (vi) The excavated material shall not be placed within 1.5m of the edge of the trench or half the depth whichever is more to avoid collapse of sides due to surcharge. (vii) No undermining or undercutting shall be allowed. (viii) All roads and open areas adjacent to any side where demolition is to be carried out, must be closed or suitably protected. (ix) No electrical cable etc. shall remain electric...

Essential features of CRAFT, a computerized layout model.

One of the early computer programs developed to assist in laying out plant facilities is called CRAFT (Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique).This computer program handles up to 40 activity centre. The basic data presented to this program include a from -to chart and an initial scale block layout. The computer program endeavours to interchange departments within the given layout, without violating certain constraints until a "best" layout has been determined. It is a layout improvement procedure. The output from this program will be an improved block layout.  The main criterion employed in CRAFT is minimisation of total cost of movement of items, where this cost is expressed as a linear function of distance travelled CRAFT is an improvement programme.    

Collective Bargaining - A two way process.

Collective bargaining is the method of negotiation between the representatives of labour and management to solve some labour dispute and to enter some agreement to prevent a dispute. Discussions and negotiations between the representatives of the employees and the representatives of the management regarding disputed issues are done through careful analysis of the basic factors to avoid a conflict in future. With proper negotiations, both the parties will be benefited. Industrial peace and continuance of work without interruptions can be maintained.  

Co-operation & Co-ordination

  Co-ordination means achieving harmony of individual effort towards the accomplishment of company objectives. Co-operation means working together voluntarily for a common objective. For example, a trained cricket team, the members of which willingly respond to their instructor and captain demonstrates a good example of the highest form of coordination. If there is no coordination, it is like a vehicle having four wheels moving in different speed and directions.

Upward and Downward Communication

  Upward communication from worker to higher management levels giving work completion reports or any other feedback of information, while downward communication is from management to worker to perform a job, a promise etc. The ways of upward communication are face to face contacts, reports, group meetings etc., while downward communication, is through chain of command, company journals, notice board, etc. 

Directing Function of Management

  Directing is a function whihc includes all those activities which are designed to encourage subordinates to work effectively both in short and long run. It includes the following functions:  (i) Issuing orders and instructions to subordinates. (ii) Guiding and teaching the subordinates as how to do a work. (iii) Supervising to ensure that the work confirms to plans. (iv) Maintaining discipline and rewarding for efficiency.

The Sequence of Activities for Exercising Managerial Control in Organization.

  The control process in all the situations have following activities :  (a) Establishment of Standards : A standard is a criterion against which results can be measured. These standards refer to goal, plan, objectives, targets etc. (b) Measurement of Performance : This step in the control process includes the setting up of methods of observation inspection and reporting. Reports at regular intervals, audits, test checks etc. are generally done to control the performance at various levels in the organization. (c) Comparing the Activity : Results obtained are then compared with the standards. Returns received at regular intervals, audit etc. provide feedback for performance which is then compared to find out if there is any deviation. Negative deviation means a loss and needs remedial action, whereas positive deviation means a gain and does not warrant any control function, and as such the feedback information are ignored. (d) Remedial Action : In the last activity of proces...

Four C's of Human Resource Management program given by Harvard Business School

  Four C's of Human Resource Management program given by Harvard Business School: 1. COMMITMENT : Every worker should be committed to his work sincerely in order to give best performance. 2. CONGRUENCE : The worker must work in harmony with his colleagues and management both achieve their targets. 3. COMPETENCE : For professional employees to develop competencies and interpersonal skills. Such as coaching, group process and problem solving are the important tasks for HRD programs. Competency in performing the job as needed to grow organizations in a global environment.   4. COST-EFFECTIVENESS : The salary or any other benefits provided to employee by management depends upon his cost effectiveness to the organization. So employee must look for his cost effectiveness in an organization. 

The Planning Situations associated with the use of a conversion system.

  Function of planning of a conversion system starts from the project report preparation. The efficiency, productivity and economy largely depends upon the quality of planning. However, main engineering systems which are required through planning are: Production planning, Product planning, Process planning, Material planning and Manpower planning etc. Brief description of these systems is given below: PRODUCTION PLANNING : Production planning involves a system to plan production, cost, quality and time. Planning always begins with the analysis of given data on the basis of which a scheme of the utilization of the firm's services can be obtained so that the desirable target may be most efficiently attained. It establishes the basic relationship among (a) sales forecasts (b) production capacity (c) inventory levels (d) working capital (e) raw material (f) production facilities.  PRODUCT PLANNING : Product policy decisions and product planning are inter-related activities and dec...


  The fundamental elements of a planning system are as follows: (i) Recognition of the need. (ii) Analysis of Environment. (iii) Statement of mission or purpose. (iv) Establishing objectives. (v) Building the premises for planning. (vi) Identifying alternatives courses of action. (vii) Evaluating alternative courses. (viii) Selecting a course of action. (ix) Converting plans into budgets.


Enterprise Resource Planning is an integrated, multidimensional system for all functions covering logistics (materials, production, sales and distribution, plant maintenance, quality management, project management, production planning etc.), accounting (finance and controlling) and human resources and while at the same time incorporating industry - specific solutions and the best business practices. ERP provides real time online information for decision making or required analysis. This is whenever the data is needed into the system, it is processed and stored immediately. Since under ERP transactions are simultaneous, the information or data based on these transactions shall also be up-to-date and must be readily available at any given time. ERP is basically a software suit that integrates the whole enterprise, covering the entire integrated supply chain from vendors and suppliers to customers. It is not only easy to use and address all software requirements of the enterprise, but als...

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