The following safety measures are taken during civil engineering construction. (i) Suitable scaffolds should be provided for workmen. (ii) When ladder are used, it should be provided with foot holds and hand holds and inclination of one is to four (1 horizontal : 4 vertical) be provided. (iii) The scaffolding should be properly supported and shall have a guard rail property attached to it. (iv) Every opening in floor of a building should be provided with suitable means to prevent the fall of persons or materials. (v) Fencing and lights shall be provided to protect the public from accident. (vi) The excavated material shall not be placed within 1.5m of the edge of the trench or half the depth whichever is more to avoid collapse of sides due to surcharge. (vii) No undermining or undercutting shall be allowed. (viii) All roads and open areas adjacent to any side where demolition is to be carried out, must be closed or suitably protected. (ix) No electrical cable etc. shall remain electric...
Question : What are the important differences between manufacturing and service operations ? (Summer 2005)
Manufacturing Operations :
1. Manufacturing involve tangible goods production.
2. Manufacturing involve heavy plant and machinery.
3. Raw materials, work in process and finished goods can be inventoried.
4. Maintenance is often preventive and takes place at production site.
5. Customer is not in the most of the process.
Service Operations :
1. Services are usually intangible (ex: buying a ride on a vehicle)
2. Services are often produced and consumed simultaneously.
3. Services have inconsistent product definition.
4. Maintenance is often repair and takes place at customer's site.
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